Toby Venning

Co-Founder, CEO

Blog Posts

Essential Insurance Guide for Self-Employed Carers in the UK: Safeguarding Your Profession

Our guide succinctly covers essential insurance for UK self-employed carers, emphasizing the importance of Public Liability Insurance and other key policies like Personal Injury & Disability, Overseas Travel, and Personal belonging insurance. It also highlights the need for business car insurance for carers using personal vehicles for work. This concise overview provides carers with crucial information for safeguarding their profession.

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Balancing Security and Usability in Care Management Systems: The Importance of 70-Minute Timeouts

We explore the critical balance between security and usability in care management systems, focusing on the importance of a 70-minute timeout feature. The post contrasts this with the limitations of PIN-only systems, which, despite their simplicity, pose higher security risks due to constant accessibility and reliance on manual operation.

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Shaping a Dignified Future in Care: elate's Empowering Co-Designed App

Elate's co-designed app revolutionises UK care delivery, bridging communication gaps and promoting dignity in language use. Fostering strong relationships, the app continuously adapts to the evolving needs of an ageing population.

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Revolutionising Care in the Digital Age: elate's Groundbreaking Approach to Supporting UK's Ageing Population

Elate's caregiving app revolutionises UK care management, creating more efficient services and better support for older people. We're harnessing innovation and data for enhanced care outcomes, fostering independence and stronger social connections.

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The Role of elate in Alleviating Challenges Faced by Unpaid Carers in the UK

elate's innovative digital care management system addresses the key challenges faced by UK's unpaid carers, helping them to live with grace, joy, and dignity. We aim to empower carers by simplifying tasks, easing financial burdens, and advocating for improved support.

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Launching elate: Our Journey Towards Empowering the UK Care Sector

‍In 2023, we will launch elate, our innovative Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product.

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The Language of Care

As our society ages and life expectancy increases, innovative and empathetic care solutions are more crucial than ever. At Elate, we believe that empowering older adults and carers is the key to building a kinder and more inclusive world for all.

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Streamlining Care Management and Fostering Connections for UK Families

Elate's caregiving app is designed to streamline care management for UK care providers...

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Empowering Seniors Through Technology

The use of technology in caregiving has the potential to drastically improve the quality of life for older adults. Elate's caregiving app is a prime...

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Revolutionising the Caregiving Experience: Unified Care Delivery App

Elate, a unified care delivery app, is revolutionising the caregiving experience for care providers, care recipients, and their families.

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How Does Covid 19 Spread? A Review Of The Science & Recommendations

Not all the official advice appears science-driven and new research shows there may be more to worry about...

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