For Care Providers

A bold vision for the future of care

Our support and care management system provides digital and integrated care needs assessments, support planning, risks assessments, managing medication (eMAR), rota management and scheduling of appointments. It is designed with and for care providers and support workers, making their lives easier.

Designed to make the lives of care providers more effective, easier and enjoyable.

From tracking progress and communicating with other care team members, our app helps care providers, stay organised and on top of things. We also offer resources and information on caregiving and ageing topics to help providers provide the best possible care.

From rota management, scheduling appointments, managing medication schedules to tracking progress and communicating with other care team members. Our app makes it easy for you to stay organised and on top of things through reporting, auditing, finance and dashboard management features.

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Client holding support worker's hands in thankful gesture and both happy
Support worker with client looking at a laptop computer

Features that offer value to you and your clients

We empower care providers to elevate the standard of care with our innovative app, delivering transparency, communication and accountability to all stakeholders. 

Enhance the value of your care provision by giving your clients and their families real-time access to care updates and progress through the app. And bring peace of mind to families and friends by allowing them to check in on their loved ones and receive updates on their care at any time. 

Elate provides a lifeline of connection for older and vulnerable individuals, enabling them to stay connected with their loved ones, no matter where they are, through the messaging feature.

The platform enhances the lives of elderly and vulnerable people by providing personalised product and service recommendations based on their care needs assessment and ongoing needs recognised by their carer. 

With our app, everyone benefits from increased visibility and a more connected, engaged care experience.

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Our complete digital solution and ecosystem gives users access to

Care Needs Assessment

Elate uses five categories physical, emotional & psychological, financial, housing and medical, with comprehensive support types and corresponding tasks.

Support Planning

Elate’s support plan allows users to manually or automatically generate a support plan using the care needs and risk assessments. Care providers can define goals, tasks, outcomes and timelines, ensuring the care provider meets the support recipient's needs.

Scheduling and Rostering 

Elate’s scheduling and rostering enables the care provider to organise team availability, rota planning, client preferences (gender), team skills and qualifications; this ensures client needs match support workers' availability and capability. Calendar features allow employees to submit their working availability and preferences.

Incident Management

Elate’s incident management tool enables support workers to report incidents. The care providers can manage incidents effectively, ensuring the safety of clients and support workers and taking corrective action when necessary. The user-friendly and intuitive dashboard offers real-time data and analytics on incidents and corrective actions, enabling care providers to detect patterns and take proactive measures to prevent incidents.

Electronic Medicine Administration (eMAR)

Elates Digital EMAR system has been designed to enable care providers and support workers to streamline medication management for your clients. Key functionalities, including Medication Ordering, Administration, Dispensing, Reconciliation, Allergy Tracking, and Body Maps have been integrated, ensuring an outstanding level of support and care. An intelligent alert and reminder system ensures the timely administration of medications and avoids potential errors. Reporting and analytics give real-time data and insights into medication trends and usage patterns, enabling healthcare providers to make informed decisions and optimise the support recipients' care.


Elate enhances the lives and choices of elderly and vulnerable people by making product and service recommendations for their specific needs.

Reports / Dashboards

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Finance Management

Coming Soon